วันพุธที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Too Much Caffeine? What Are the Signs You Need to Cut Back?

where you might want to consider consuming less or no caffeine at all..You Consume Too Much Already**You Are Especially Sensitive To Caffeine**Drinking caffeine within eight hours of your desired bedtime can disrupt your quality of sleep...

Too Much Caffeine?
What Are the Signs You Need to Cut Back?

Wake up, eat breakfast, have a cup of coffee, shower, get ready, drive to work. If this or something similar sounds familiar to you, congratulations you are a typical American. Nine out of ten Americans consume caffeine regularly, and in moderate amounts this shouldn't hurt your health.

There are certain circumstances, however, where you might want to consider consuming less or no caffeine at all.

You Consume Too Much Already

If you've lost a significant amount of sleep lately, you may be tempted to remedy your fatigue by having a cup of coffee on your desk all day long. Getting in the habit of this can be harmful to your health. Usually, more than about four to seven cups of coffee a day is too much. Some signs that you are consuming too much caffeine are restlessness, anxiety, irritability, muscle tremors, sleeplessness, headaches and abnormal heart rhythms.

You Are Especially Sensitive To Caffeine

Some people experience caffeine's negative effects more strongly than others. The three most common factors that contribute to this are body mass, history of caffeine consumption and stress. People with lower body mass feel the effect of caffeine more quickly after consumption and sometimes more strongly. If you aren't a regular consumer of caffeine, your body isn't as adapted to it and the effect may last longer than you intend it to. Any stress a person endures can accentuate the feeling that caffeine consumption is intended to give, taking it to a negative point.

You Aren't Sleeping Well

It is recommended that adults get eight hours of sleep every night. For many adults, their busy schedules make this impossible, so they get in the habit of staying awake with caffeine. The problem with this is that it becomes a vicious cycle. When the weekend rolls around and you actually have time for a full night of sleep, you find you can't fall asleep because of the caffeine.

Drinking caffeine within eight hours of your desired bedtime can disrupt your quality of sleep as well as shorten the time you are able to stay asleep. Some people think this is because your body stores caffeine, but this is not true. It is really because caffeine is simply a difficult stimulant for your body to get rid of, so it takes time. Sleep deprivation has many negative effects that can greatly affect your health and well being.

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By Sherry L Harris
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
