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The Crop Report From Costa Rica Coffee Country

Farmers are especially excited about the organic crops and the highest grades of Tarrazu and Tres Rios coffees. Costa Rica grades it coffee on a scale of one to five with one select being the top grade of coffee.....

The Crop Report From Costa Rica Coffee Country

Well its November 2008 and a harvest time in Costa Rica for gourmet coffee. We decided to visit several local coffee farm. It's also harvest time for most of Central America and all of Costa Rica and the initial gourmet coffee reports are outstanding. Look for a very smooth and robust flavorful and smooth coffee and tons of it. Remember too that Costa Rica only grows the finest Arabica beans - no robusta coffee beans are alloed.

The Farmers we metare saying the past summer weather conditions were perfect and no adverse storms to factor in. These same best coffee Farmers are predicting the best crop in years - both in quantity and quality. Farmers are especially excited about the organic crops and the highest grades of Tarrazu and Tres Rios coffees. Costa Rica grades it coffee on a scale of one to five with one select being the top grade of coffee. The number on e select is supposed to be the most robust flavor it has ever had. We are seeing huge coffee cherries everywhere we go - report Samuel Diaz, an organic coffee farmer from the Central Valley.

And farmers across all sections of Costa Rica are giving the same excellent reports. Tres Rios which harvests in December says the cherries are so full of coffee beans they are sitting on the ground in many areas. The Tarrazu region which harvests in November gives the same bountiful report.

The Brunca Region and Orasi regions which started harvesting this month report huge crops. Their gourmet coffee is getting rave reviews from local gourmet coffee drinkers. Says Maria Sanchez - if this were wine we would be putting Italy to shame. The West Valley starts harvesting next week and the locals say the coffee will be off the charts in every category.

Looks like this winter crop season of 2008 will go down as a record year for Costa Rica coffee. Considered by many to produce the world's best overall gourmet coffee, now seems to be the time to try your favorite Costa Rica coffee. Start looking in December to reap the rewards of this excellent crop.

By Boake Moore
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Excite Your Taste Buds With Delicious Gourmet Coffee Beans

Delicious Gourmet Coffee Beans...Gourmet Beans,Where is Coffee Grown?,Gourmet Bean Roasting Process,Buying Gourmet Coffee Online....

Excite Your Taste Buds WithDelicious Gourmet Coffee Beans

If you've ever gripped a cup of java and wondered if there's something better out there in the coffee world, then you're in for a real treat when you try gourmet coffee beans found at online specialty coffee shops. Gourmet coffees can put most grocery store bought coffees to shame because of the sheer richness of the flavor. Nowadays you can secure some of the most gratifying coffee on the market at a fraction of the cost when you shop online.

So what makes special gourmet coffee so delightful? It's the combination of ingredients; the unique fusion process; the freshness of the coffee beans; and of course, the special roast. These create the yummy flavor and texture of gourmet coffee. When selecting fresh gourmet coffee online, it's good to understand the terminology before you shop.

Gourmet Beans

Let's talk about beans for a moment. Though imported coffee beans come from various parts of the world including Brazil, Jamaica, Ethiopia, and Sumatra, there's one type of bean that is greatly desired by many gourmet coffee lovers. This is the Arabica coffee bean (or coffea arabica). The Arabica bean is different from the Robusta bean, which is used to produce most regular and instant coffees found in supermarkets.

Robusta beans are cheaper because they don't require a special growing environment, as do Arabica beans. Arabica beans are hand-selected and can be grown only in tropical or sub-tropical climates at high altitudes. This doesn't mean you won't find discount coffee beans online that are actually "Arabica" beans. But you should be sure to read descriptions carefully before buying.

Even more pleasing for the organic-minded are the "Certified Organic" Arabica beans, which are grown absent from any chemicals.

Where is Coffee Grown?

Growing regions are places around the world where gourmet beans are grown. The coffee beans are imported from these places to the United States, and then roasted to produce an enchanting gourmet coffee. The major growing regions around the world are Arabia and Africa, Central and South America, and the Pacific or Island regions.

Gourmet Bean Roasting Process

You should also understand the roasting styles for gourmet beans. There are various types of roasting procedures, which affect the taste and fragrance of coffee. Coffee beans may be roasted lightly, semi-lightly, dark or very dark. Some roasting labels you'll see include Italian roast (very dark), French roast (dark), Full City roast (slightly dark), Vienna roast or City roast (semi-light), and American or Cinnamon roast (very light). The roasting process affects the coffee's flavor a great deal, and can result in flavors such as subtle cinnamon or caramel, or a burnt flavor.

Buying Gourmet Coffee Online

So how do you embrace such gratifying coffees? It's easy - even if you don't live near a gourmet coffee shop! You easily can buy your own gourmet coffee beans (whole or ground) in small or large quantities at an online gourmet coffee shop. Shops often categorize their coffee products by the type of coffee beans, the roasting process, and flavors. They also offer various flavored coffee if you prefer a sweeter taste such as hazelnut coffee, chocolate fudge coffee, and many others. You can also choose Italian espresso or other specialty blends. Some sites even offer coffee bundles so you can sample various flavored coffees with just one order.

When shopping for beans, be sure the website explains its coffee-making process in detail. Coffee shops should clearly state where their beans come from, how the beans are roasted, and how this process will benefit you.

Well-blended gourmet coffees are a pleasure to buy and taste. They fill your home with a heavenly scent and offer a delectable taste that's unmatched by any other hot beverage. Gourmet coffee also makes a wonderful gift for a friend or loved one. Check out all the enchanting gourmet coffee blends that are available online and start enjoying the best coffees in the world!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Buying Gourmet Coffee Beans.
By Chris Robertson
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

The Future of Gourmet Coffee Prices - Huge Declines in Stores

It is now harvest time in Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica and the rest of the Central and South America coffee countries. And do to very good conditions they are expecting huge harvests - much larger than normal....

The Future of Gourmet Coffee Prices -
Huge Declines in Stores

Coffee prices on the future market continue to decline and the price for coffee from the local farmers in the third world countries continue to decline even more. So why does the price of coffee in the supermarkets continue to rise. How do the retail giants continue to get away with raising their prices? Many of the top selling gourmet coffees are approaching $10.00 per bag when the average per pound price is less than $1.50 per pound. And what's even worse is the fact the bag you are paying $10.00 for only has 12 ounces of coffee.

It is now harvest time in Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica and the rest of the Central and South America coffee countries. And do to very good conditions they are expecting huge harvests - much larger than normal. The price of gourmet coffee has steadily declined ahead of this prediction. And this past week the bottom fell out of the coffee market. In Brazil for example you can buy their finest coffee on the streets for less than $1.00 per pound. And the coffee is even more flavorful than normal. What a great year it will be for coffee.

But will the consumer see any better pricing. The larger consumer giants in the face of lessening coffee prices have consciously passed on price increases - hiding behind higher gas prices. Claiming distribution costs are through the roof the average pound of gourmet coffee has risen from $5.50 per bag to $8.50 per bag with several varieties topping $10. Now that gas has fallen by 50 percent over the past month it's time for these retail giants to pass on the savings. They are paying 30 percent less for gourmet coffee and 50 percent less for distribution - it's time to demand they lower the price. It's a great coffee harvest and we should all enjoy the bounty of this wonderful harvest.

By Boake Moore
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Chavez Suggests Gourmet Coffee Union

Chavez Suggests Gourmet Coffee Union

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has asked the coffee producing countries to form a international co-op as a means to control pricing. As for controlling pricing Chavez states the USA and George Bush have taken advantage of the Latin American countries long enough and the caf? brothers need to band together to keep prices up. His passionate speech came amid reports that coffee production has far exceeded expected production reports which in normal market conditions will cause prices to drop.

Furthermore Chavez called upon his Asian and African brothers to band with them and to keep coffee prices high. He asked countries to control exports and to keep prices high. He stated his gourmet coffee teams must united for the good of all. Venezuela is a coffee growing country but is not a major player in the coffee world. Venezuela produces three lines of coffee but exports very little of it. Venezuela produces less than three percent of the worlds coffee and less than one percent of the coffee exports. In reality no Venezuela coffee to speak of is exported to the United States. Chavez called upon the coffee countries to follow the model of OPEC in controlling the quality of coffee produces, the quantity of coffee produced and of course the pricing of coffee.

The FDA announced this week that world production of coffee would far exceed expectations and that many countries contributed to the higher levels. The Africa coffee countries expect production to exceed last years numbers by 75 percent and to exceed this level projections by fifty percent. Favorable weather conditions, improved water supply and improved farming techniques contributed to the improved farming productions. None of the Africa countries commented on Chavez' remarks nor made any suggestions that they would follow his lead.

Boake Moore founded a non profit coffee company called Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee - http://www.missiongrounds.com/ourphilosophy.php It donates all its profits and proceeds to helping orphans and impoverished children. We currently are building schools in rural China, orphanages in South America; supporting orphans in Russia and Africa. And helping homeless children in the United States. Boake works as an IT sales man as his full time job.
Lets make the world better -
George "Boake" Moore
Mission Grounds
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

A Brief Guide to Fitness Drinks

A Brief Guide to Fitness Drinks

When you are trying to lose weight, be healthy, and simply live a lifestyle that is good for your mind, body, and spirit, what you put into your body has a huge impact on your overall health. You want to be sure that what you eat or drink provides some benefit to your health, which is why fitness drinks are so important. They provide your body with the proper nutrients necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

Fitness drinks contain ingredients that work alongside your body and promote good health and a healthy attitude. Skinny Water is one of these fitness drinks. The ingredients in Skinny Water, Super CitriMax and ChromeMate, work alongside your body to promote good health. They help control your hunger, keep a level blood sugar, and regulate your metabolism. With these three factors in place, Skinny Water is able to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Fitness drinks in general are drinks which are good for you because they do not have high levels of unhealthy ingredients. Sodas and other sweet tasting drinks contain high levels of sugar. Too much sugar is harmful to your body and it affects your blood sugar, your metabolism, and your ability to burn calories. Skinny Water, like other good fitness drinks, does not contain sugar. This alone benefits your health significantly and it is much better for you than sugary beverages such as soft drinks.

Calories are also present is most drinks such as sodas and juices. Since losing weight is all about burning fat and calories, drinking these high calorie beverages are not going to help you lose weight and get in better shape. Therefore, drinks like Skinny Water and other fitness drinks are an excellent choice because they do not contain any calories. You can take advantage of the great taste and benefits provided by Skinny Water and other fitness drinks. Without the addition of extra calories, it can become much easier to lose weight or prevent yourself from gaining weight.

Too many carbohydrates are also unhealthy because they make it more difficult to lose weight and they are present in many foods and drinks that are consumed daily. Skinny Water and other types of fitness drinks have no carbohydrates, and this makes them worth drinking.

It is important to consider what you are putting into your body. You need to be certain that you give your body every chance to be as healthy as possible, and this is part of why you want to focus on fitness drinks. Skinny Water has Super CitriMax and ChromeMate, two ingredients which have been proven to be beneficial to a person's body. They suppress the appetite, regulate the blood sugar, and help to regulate a person's metabolism. These are similar to the benefits provided by other fitness waters.

Controlling the appetite is an important factor when trying to lose weight. Fitness drinks control the appetite by reducing one's hunger, which allows fewer calories to be injected into one's body. A good majority of those who gain weight do so because they are eating more than they need. This extra food provides the body with extra calories that are not needed by the body. Blood sugar is another factor that leads to overeating. When a person begins a diet and they are no longer eating the same amount that they are used to eating, an unsafe drop in blood sugar levels may occur. This can lead to dizziness, weakness, and overall ill health. It can also cause a person to feel as if they need to binge on sugars in order to get that level back up. Skinny Water controls the blood sugar, meaning that it keeps it at a safe level for you.

Metabolism is the last thing that fitness drinks help to control. Your metabolism is supposed to allow you to burn calories that you take in, but when a person's metabolism is low, they are not burning all of these calories. When this happens, you gain weight because the excess calories have nowhere to go. Fitness drinks help to regulate your metabolism. First, you are not bringing in too many calories, and secondly, you are burning those that you do bring in, to help you lose weight.

Living a healthy life is much easier than it seems. There are many benefits including feeling much better and having more energy. Fitness water is an excellent product to consider when looking for a way to improve your health. The main benefit of Skinny Water is its ability to help curb your appetite, allowing you to eat less. This limits calories taken into ones body and provides the nutrients necessary for losing weight. Fitness drinks also help control the metabolism and sugar present in the body. When beginning a new diet or looking for a way to live healthier, be sure to consider the benefits of fitness water.

Cynthia Andrews is a freelance writer who writes about dieting and exercising, often focusing on certain brands of fitness products such as Skinny Water.
By Cynthia Andrews
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

The China Coffee

Chinese coffee--perfect natural resources: high mountains, great soils, nice wet climate, plenty of cheap labor and the culture to dominate...The Chinese coffee is very young and needs some time to mature. Also it is very small but as it grows...

The China Coffee

Chinese tea is well known around the world. Chinese coffee is not. But that will soon change. China slowly has entered the growing of gourmet coffee and they have the perfect natural resources: high mountains, great soils, nice wet climate, plenty of cheap labor and the culture to dominate. They even made the Coffee agriculture report. This year's coffee report calls for major production improvement and output record levels for Chinese coffee producing regions. The Chinese output will so far exceed expected output that it will also cause the world's production to exceed expectant levels.

Still will the excess coffee the wholesale prices continue to increase? However as demand is not able to keep up with supply look for prices to plummet. Also the quality of the Chinese coffee is far less that its South American counterparts. Many consider Costa Rica, Brazil and Columbia to have the finest coffee in the world. The China coffee is not even close in terms of quantity or quality and much of the Chinese coffee is a robusta bean. The Latin America coffee countries only produce Arabica bean which is a far superior bean. The Chinese coffees are also lacking in the production of certified organic coffee. The Chinese coffee is very young and needs some time to mature. Also it is very small but as it grows and people are able to share techniques and resources watch out.China could become a major player like they are in the tea market and most of the other manufacturing. They definitely have the climate and mountains and other national resources. And the people. And the people with the resolve to get it done.

And the economy of scale to make it a success. Watch out Columbia. World coffee production in the current season will be greater than previously expected and will set a record, the Agriculture Department said today. In its weekly report on world agriculture, the FDA department put the global coffee crop at over 96 million bags, up 1.3 million from the previous forecast and over ten percent or approximately over 12 million bags above last year's crop.

Improved prospects in Africa, the leading coffee-growing countries was the main factor in the higher estimate, the report said. Kenya and Nigeria commented that short term agriculture programs were finally taking effect and helping with production. Other cited factors included improved water, water supply and consistent water along with improved farming techniques and farming co-ops. The farming co-ops allowed farmers to share resources and best practices which allowed much improvement in production levels.

China currently grows coffee in the Yunnin province - in the far southwest corner. Near Tibet you have some great mountain regions and a ton of rain. And shade grown would not be an issue. Chinese coffee - it even has a nice ring to it.

Boake Moore is an IT Sales engineer by trade and founded a non profit coffee company called Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee - http://www.missiongrounds.com/ourphilosophy.php - It donates all its profits and proceeds to helping orphans and impoverished children. We currently are building schools in rural China, orphanages in South America; supporting orphans in Russia and Africa. And helping homeless children in the United States.
By Boake Moore
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Start Your Own Coffee Business

Choosing the right kind of coffee to buy can sometimes be a daunting task. There are currently hundreds of flavors available and dozens of different types of coffee....

Start Your Own Coffee Business

We drink it in the morning, afternoon and evenings. We drink it caffeinated, we drink it decaffeinated. Some like it dark and full bodied, and some like it mild and light. Some take it black; or maybe with a little cream and sugar. Some are French vanilla kind of person and some are just plain java folks. But with all of these different types of coffee and ways to drink it, no wonder that the coffee franchise is among the fastest growing small business franchise opportunities.

Coffee is one of the most versatile drinks available today and we all have our favorite flavor and our own unique way of making it. Coffee is also the most widely consumed beverage in the world, it is a world commodity that is second only to oil. Many of us couldn't function on a daily basis without coffee and many more of us enjoy treating ourselves to a "special" (and rather pricey) coffee once in a while. Enter the coffee franchise. Since the first coffee franchises started in the late 1980's and early 1990's, coffee franchise opportunities have skyrocketed.

Choosing the right kind of coffee to buy can sometimes be a daunting task. There are currently hundreds of flavors available and dozens of different types of coffee. When you combine that with personal preferences and special combinations, the choices can be endless! Again this is where the local coffee franchise can help. Staff well versed in the various types, roasts, blends and brewing techniques can assist customers in finding exactly what they want.

There are many different types of coffee available from various parts of the world. There are different types of roasts (light, medium, dark and everything in between!), cappuccinos, lattes and the best-selling instant. Most people choose their home brewed coffee based on personal preference and ease of use. Cappuccinos and lattes are sold in coffee houses, but technology has allowed these fine and elegant coffee drinks to be made at home with the correct equipment. Several of the larger coffee franchise companies sell these products and the staff can assist customers in selecting the right equipment. This can significantly increase retail sales figures.

There is something else about coffee that many people don't know. Coffee not only has the ability to give you your much needed energy, a relaxing moment with a friend or a sweet drink with dessert; it also has some health benefits which make this great beverage an even bigger plus in your beverage choices.

Studies show that coffee seems to be able to lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinsons disease, and colon cancer. It's been proven that coffee can lift your mood and treat your headache faster then a couple aspirin can. The weirdest fact of all? It can help to prevent cavities too! As these facts become known by the general public, this is sure to boost the sales of the coffee franchise.

Coffee has large amounts of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and tocopherols, and minerals such as magnesium. Researchers credit another compound called trigonelline, which gives coffee its heavenly aroma and wonderful taste, for having both antibacterial and anti-adhesive properties to help prevent dental cavities from forming.

So the next time that you are ready to sit down with a cup of your favorite coffee, remember that you're doing your body good in the process! Coffee just got even better then you thought it could be. So drop on by the local coffee franchise and pick up the grande, and enjoy.

Chuck R Stewart learned about the coffee business while studying how to operate a successful coffee franchise.
By Chuck R Stewart
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

There Are Two Main Kinds of Coffee Grinders

These coffee grinders also permit you total control over the way you process your beans. Burr grinders are available in two varieties....

There Are Two Main Kinds of Coffee Grinders

The fact is that if there were no coffee grinders no one would ever be able to taste a great cup of coffee. While they use to boil the beans in rolling hot water for hours at a time, the result was never that magical beverage which has folks all over the world in love. The type of coffee you have will tell you what your beverage will be like. It will depend upon the way and the time your coffee beans are ground.

There are numerous types of coffee. You will find it difficult to pick which one is the best. Of course, a lot is contingent, upon your personal taste as well. However, when it comes to determining the worth and the excellence of the coffee, the smell, flavor, and depth of taste these are a few factors that are taken into account.

The grinder you use, then the time it takes to brew the beverage. For example, if you crave espresso the coffee beans you use should be ground to absolute powder to reveal the right taste; if you want to put the coffee in coffee carafe, it is best to have the coffee coarsely ground, as these would liberate the taste slowly through a lengthy time.

There are two main kinds of coffee grinders on the market nowadays. There is one type that employs revolving blades, which plainly slices and crushes the beans into smaller pieces. The end result will depend upon the speed of the grinder and the time that you allow for the grinder to work. Most grinders allow you to control the kind of grind that you get. If you run the grinder slow for less time then you'll have coarse grind of coffee.

Other kinds of grinders are known as burr grinders, use-grinding wheels. These coffee grinders also permit you total control over the way you process your beans. Burr grinders are available in two varieties. Style number one may be a flat grinder. The second style has a cone appearance. Many customers favor the cone style because it does not plug-up as frequently as the flat burr grinder does. Both of these are hand powered. Next, you have the alternative of electric grinders. These grinders come in portable sizes at an inexpensive cost such as $20. In answer to the increasing popularity of coffee, so you can carry them wherever you go.

Today you find all types of coffee that is ground or perhaps not-ground making it easy for you to pick up any type of coffee and use it. Why then is the coffee grinder in so much demand? The answer to this question lies in the flavor of the beverage made with newly ground beans. as you would have supposed; that the taste and flavor may not be contrasted with anything prefabricated.

Carl Esonhouse routinely writes reports on subjects relating to coffee grinder reviews and tips on coffee grinders. His abstracts on coffee grinders can be found on http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com
By Carl Esonhouse
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Too Much Caffeine? What Are the Signs You Need to Cut Back?

where you might want to consider consuming less or no caffeine at all..You Consume Too Much Already**You Are Especially Sensitive To Caffeine**Drinking caffeine within eight hours of your desired bedtime can disrupt your quality of sleep...

Too Much Caffeine?
What Are the Signs You Need to Cut Back?

Wake up, eat breakfast, have a cup of coffee, shower, get ready, drive to work. If this or something similar sounds familiar to you, congratulations you are a typical American. Nine out of ten Americans consume caffeine regularly, and in moderate amounts this shouldn't hurt your health.

There are certain circumstances, however, where you might want to consider consuming less or no caffeine at all.

You Consume Too Much Already

If you've lost a significant amount of sleep lately, you may be tempted to remedy your fatigue by having a cup of coffee on your desk all day long. Getting in the habit of this can be harmful to your health. Usually, more than about four to seven cups of coffee a day is too much. Some signs that you are consuming too much caffeine are restlessness, anxiety, irritability, muscle tremors, sleeplessness, headaches and abnormal heart rhythms.

You Are Especially Sensitive To Caffeine

Some people experience caffeine's negative effects more strongly than others. The three most common factors that contribute to this are body mass, history of caffeine consumption and stress. People with lower body mass feel the effect of caffeine more quickly after consumption and sometimes more strongly. If you aren't a regular consumer of caffeine, your body isn't as adapted to it and the effect may last longer than you intend it to. Any stress a person endures can accentuate the feeling that caffeine consumption is intended to give, taking it to a negative point.

You Aren't Sleeping Well

It is recommended that adults get eight hours of sleep every night. For many adults, their busy schedules make this impossible, so they get in the habit of staying awake with caffeine. The problem with this is that it becomes a vicious cycle. When the weekend rolls around and you actually have time for a full night of sleep, you find you can't fall asleep because of the caffeine.

Drinking caffeine within eight hours of your desired bedtime can disrupt your quality of sleep as well as shorten the time you are able to stay asleep. Some people think this is because your body stores caffeine, but this is not true. It is really because caffeine is simply a difficult stimulant for your body to get rid of, so it takes time. Sleep deprivation has many negative effects that can greatly affect your health and well being.

Need insomnia help? Sherry Harris offers FREE information packed ebook, "101 Amazingly Simple Ways to Beat Insomnia." Get the solution to your sleeping problems right now at http://www.ScentToSleep.com

Get all the help you need to fall asleep fast, free sleep tips (that work!). Hope you enjoyed the article topic Too Much Caffeine. Visit us now.
By Sherry L Harris
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

A Brief Hisotry of Kona Coffee

A Brief Hisotry of Kona Coffee


Coffee, a relative of the gardenia family, is one of the most important crops grown on the Big Island. Although other Hawaiian Islands also produce coffee only Kona Coffee is of sufficient quality to be sold on the world market during gluts in coffee production. In Kona Mauka (upland Kona) you will find many coffee farms and roasting plants that give tours, such as the Captain Cook Coffee Company, in Kainaliu.

Hawaii is the sole US producer of commercially grown coffee and Kona coffee remains truly rare. Today's Kona coffee industry is composed of an interlaced group of independent small farmers, coffee roasters and merchants. Of the perhaps 600 coffee farms in Kona, most are between 2 and 3 acres in size. Kona Coffee is raised on over 2000 total acres in an area 20 miles long and 2 miles wide long the slopes of Hualalai and Mauna Loa volcanoes, between 500 to 3,000 feet elevation; annual coffee production is generally over two million pounds.


World famous Kona coffee owes its richness and flavor to the fertile, volcanic soil, mild climate and abundant rain water in the mountains of the west side of the Big Island. The area's coffee industry began in earnest during the 1830s and soon the lives, and culture, of Kona residents began to revolve around it.

The history of Kona coffee is one of boom and bust, good times and bad, but always characterized by a strong work ethic, independence, self-sufficiency, family unity, and cooperation. A multicultural industry from the beginning, it has involved contributions from the island's Native Hawaiians, Haoles, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos, and Puerto Ricans.

In 1813, Don Francisco de Paula Y Marin, a Spaniard and one of Kamehameha's trusted advisors, planted coffee on the island of Oahu. The British warship HMS Blonde brought more coffee trees to the Hawaiian Islands in 1825. Reverend Samuel Ruggles brought the first coffee to the Big Island when he brought cuttings of coffee trees to the town of Captain Cook in Kona in 1828.

The industry grew and large plantations were established during the first half of the nineteenth century. Both companies provided However, even though world coffee prices started to climb in the 1850s, labor shortages, pest and disease infestations and drought thwarted efforts to expand the Hawaiian coffee industry. Coffee plantations were replaced by sugar cane plantations as coffee pries fell and sugar prices rose and by 1860, coffee plantations almost disappeared from Hawaii.

Boom times arrived again in Kona in the 1890s as American and European started another era of the large coffee plantation enterprises; this lasted until 1899, when the world coffee market crashed and brought the Kona coffee industry to near extinction.

Economic realities forced large scale coffee plantations to be sold off, cut up and replaced by small family ventures run by new immigrants; by1910, Japanese farmers comprised 80% of Kona's coffee farmers. This marked the beginning of the transition from large coffee plantations to small family farms, a transformation revolutionized the Kona coffee industry and saved it.

Through The Great Depression, two world wars and into modern times, coffee prices rose and fell causing the Kona coffee industry to grow and shrink accordingly. However, the farming style from the turn of the 20th century onward was always characterized by smaller, rather than larger, coffee farms. Captain Cook Coffee Company and American Factors (AMFAC) were the only legal buyers of the coffee crop in those days; they provided goods to the farmers through company stores which were paid for with the coffee harvest. Many times, small farmers had no other way of raising scare cash than to sell their coffee on the black market. Until the mid 1950's when they withdrew from the coffee industry, Captain Cook and AMFAC hired armed men to patrol the roads of Kona in an effort to suppress this vicarious coffee commerce.

Today, Hawaii is the sole US producer of commercially grown coffee and Kona coffee is grown on around 600 independent coffee farms, mostly are between 2 and 3 acres. Total coffee acreage exceeds 2000 along the slopes of Hualalai and Mauna Loa volcanoes; annual coffee production is generally over two million pounds.

Donald B. MacGowan: Originally, Dr. MacGowan pursued a career in academics, earning two B.Sc. degrees, a dual M.Sc., and a PhD.; co-authoring over 5.2 million dollars in grants, and publishing more than 200 refereed journal articles, abstracts, etc. Gaining sanity somewhere in that process, he quit the academic rat race and began to live. Donnie is an accomplished, prolific alpinist, having climbed on 5 of the seven continents, putting up more than 150 first ascents on rock, ice and snow, and a dozen first ski descents. He has written, directed and produced short and feature length films on health, travel, mountaineering and life in a touring rock band. Donnie records and tours relentlessly with his Celtic Punk fusion band "Fatal Loins"--although nobody much seems to care for their music. A Hawaii resident since 2000, he quietly and humbly inhabits Kailua Kona, doing environmental good works, surfing the be-jeezis out of the local waves and frenetically producing somewhat bizarre and mildly disturbing programs for local television which have recently been lauded as: "Ignorant", "Arrogant" and "Totally Insane". You may say what you wish about him, Donnie does not care. For somewhere underneath those swaying palm trees, in those warm aloha breezes, he is far too busy praying for good surf to hear you...

For more information about visiting and touring Hawaii in general, and exploring the historic and cultural sites on the Big Island in particular, visit http://www.tourguidehawaii.com and http://www.lovingthebigisland.wordpress.com
By Donald MacGowan
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/