วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Espresso - What Exactly is It

Espresso originated in Italy...Most coffee drinks start with espresso, which is just coffee that is brewed a certain way. Espresso is prepared by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee...

Espresso - What Exactly is It

Whether it is java, lattes, cappuccino, espresso or just a plain old cup of Joe - coffee is America's preferred method of energy boost. With that said, there's nothing like the first double espresso in the morning to clear the cobwebs from our heads so we can face the day. But what is espresso? What makes it different from any other coffee?

Espresso originated in Italy. A term often associated with espresso is "barista," which is a professional operator of an espresso machine, those skilled in making premium espresso. The skill of a barista is comparable to the finest artisan baker. Most coffee drinks start with espresso, which is just coffee that is brewed a certain way. Espresso is prepared by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee.

The secret to good espresso is the extraction time, volume, and golden creama which is a thick light brown layer of frothed coffee oils that float on top of a properly extracted espresso. By timing the brewing process just right, the flavorful and aromatic oils of the coffee are extracted, and not the bitter components. The result is a strong flavored but not bitter shot of coffee that is concentrated.

One difference between drip coffee and espresso is that espresso is measured in shots and drip coffee is measured in cups. Another difference is the texture of the grind - drip coffee uses a courser grind while espresso machines need a very fine grind.

Espresso blends in southern Italy are usually roasted into the French Roast stage where almost all of the beans will be about one shade removed from black and oils will start emerging from some beans.

To enjoy your own espresso at home, all you have to do is purchase a personal espresso machine and wholesale gourmet beans. No longer will you have to rely on that drive-through teenager who may or may not use the old espresso grounds already in the coffee machine. With your own espresso machine you will enjoy the finest cup of espresso every time.

An espresso machine is used to yield the traditional Italian coffee brew called "espresso." If you use an espresso machine you use a fine grind. To get an espresso grind with a blade grinder, you have to hold the grind button for a certain number of seconds.

When brewing espresso, the burr coffee grinder is preferred over the blade grinder. The burr grinder supplies uniformly ground coffee that allows for an easier wetting and packing of coffee grounds in the espresso machine. These grounds are perfect for the majority of home pump espresso makers.

When purchasing coffee for your espresso machine, whether it is in a coffee house or in a supermarket, you want to get 100% Arabica - except for espresso blends, which may be a combination of both Arabica and robusta. Arabica beans are normally rich in flavor - while robusta beans have more caffeine, less flavor and are cheaper to make.

By Expert Author: Carol Stack
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

Organic Coffee: An Overview

Organic coffee must stray clear of synthetic pesticides and its farmers must have crop rotation systems in place ...offering organic coffee products that include coffee sodas, decaffeinated, caffeinated, and flavored coffees....

Organic Coffee: An Overview

Nothing beats a hot steaming cup of coffee to awaken the nerves and stimulate tired senses. While a cup of Joe may tempt relentlessly, many environmentally conscious people would reject the purchase of over-the-counter, mass produced coffee from your traditional store. For good reason: many of the manufacturing methods used to make non-organic coffee have been proven to damage the environment through toxins, pesticides, and fertilizers used throughout production.

In order for organic coffee to claim its title and have seals of approval throughout the States, it has to follow a set of guidelines established by the US Department of Agriculture that regulates organic production. Organic coffee must stray clear of synthetic pesticides and its farmers must have crop rotation systems in place to prevent soil nutrients from depleting along with sufficient pest control. Given the nature of the organic coffee production process, its market is steadily climbing in the States with total sales reaching close to 90 million in 2005, a nearly 50 percent jump from 2004. In addition, organic coffee is being sold by more specialty coffee firms than ever, a testament to its growing popularity.

Organic coffee continues to remain a premium product at extravagant prices. Currently, a 12 oz. bag of dark roasted shade grown fair trade organic coffee can climb upwards of $12. Light roasted organic coffee goes for about $3 less, depending on the store you're buying it from. Adding to organic coffee's exclusivity is the size of the world organic coffee market which remains mired at less than 1 percent in all of the major coffee consuming countries. Despite its status, this item continues to be diverse, offering organic coffee products that include coffee sodas, decaffeinated, caffeinated, and flavored coffees. All in all, remember that organic coffee is a safe alternative to the mass produced, environmentally unconscious coffees made today.

By Expert Author: Scott A Wilson
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

Drinking Coffee Might Cut Men's Gallstone Risk

Men who drank three to four cups of regular coffee on a daily basis had a 40% reduced risk of developing gallstone disease than non-coffee drinkers....

Drinking Coffee Might Cut Men's Gallstone Risk

The study conducted of 46,000 men aged 45 to 75 with no history of gallstone disease, men who often consumed coffee had less risk of gallstone disease during 10 years of summarize compared with men who did not drink coffee on a regular basis.

Men who drank three to four cups of regular coffee on a daily basis had a 40% reduced risk of developing gallstone disease than non-coffee drinkers, and those who drank more than four cups had a 45% lower risk. No such effect was seen with consumption of tea, decaffeinated coffee, or low-calorie soft drinks, the study stated.

What Coffee Can Do?

* Improves psychological performance.
* Boost up your physical energy.
* Elevates and progress your mood.

How It Works

Researchers at MIT found that "caffeine is a mind-speed up mood booster."
It increases rational performance.

* Caffeine excites reaction time, attention span, attentiveness and insight with numbers.
* As little as 32 mg of caffeine as much as in a single serve of cola or a 5-ounce cup of tea could give you an actual mental and energy boost.
* Caffeine moves to your brain fast, with 20 to 30 minutes and remains up to 6 hours.


* Caffeine also improves substantial endurance. Studies show that cyclists pedaled 8% harder and lasted in competition 25% longer than after taking caffeine.


Drink your caffeine before your mealtime for a superior energy boost and fatigue beater effect.

By Expert Author: Adam Akelis
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

Getting the Most Flavor from Your Coffee Beans

The flavor of the coffee bean starts with the plant and the climate where it is grown.,Roasting the coffee beans brings out the vibrant flavor of the beans.,Buying the Best Coffee Beans...

Getting the Most Flavor from Your Coffee Beans

The flavor of the coffee bean starts with the plant and the climate where it is grown. But what happens to the bean from picking until it is poured into your cup also has a lot to do with the flavor and the extent that you enjoy the end result or experience disappointment.

Roasting - What it Does

Roasting the coffee beans brings out the vibrant flavor of the beans. The heat from the process causes the coffee bean's carbohydrates and fats to transform into aromatic oils. Roasting changes the flavor of the beans from something that is unpleasant into the wonderful coffee flavor that millions of people around the world enjoy every day.

There are also different roasting times that coffee beans experience. Each produces a different type of coffee. Light roast produces a light flavor, medium roast is sweeter and more full-bodied, and dark roast produces a deep taste that is fairly spicy and sweet.

The longest roasting time produces the really dark coffee. In those beans the natural sugar content of the beans will start to carbonize and caramelize, resulting in a smoky and full flavor.

Buying the Best Coffee Beans

Most coffee plants rely on the climate of the region where they are planted, and this produces the distinctive flavor found in the coffee cherries. For the very best beans, buy arabica coffee that is considered gourmet. Robusta beans have more caffeine, less flavor and are cheaper to make.

Your Own Coffee Grinder - A Must

People who want the best flavor in their coffee use coffee grinders. If you'd like to get the most flavor and nutritional benefit you can, buy whole coffee beans and grind your own as you use them. In order to enjoy the full flavor of the coffee, you should grind only the amount you intend to use just before brewing.

Keeping the Coffee Beans Fresh

For the best flavor you should purchase whole coffee beans from specialty shops only. After making your purchase, the whole beans should be used within a week of purchase in order to enjoy the full flavor of the coffee. Coffee beans are like sponges, soaking up the flavor of anything in their environment, which is why you want to make sure they are sealed in a air-tight container and used up within seven to ten days.

Coffee drinkers also advise against buying pre-ground coffee since pre-grinding diminishes the coffee flavor and aroma. By purchasing whole beans, grinding the fresh coffee beans and making only enough that you will drink immediately you are preparing a beautiful, intense flavor and aroma.

It wasn't long ago that people had to depend on percolators and ground coffee. Hardly anyone had their own grinder, and few people had their own percolator. Percolators were for the church potluck or the local coffee shop.

Today we are spoiled to have available the best coffee beans for a reasonable price. In many kitchens there is a roaster, or at least a grinder and coffee maker, and often an espresso machine. This is a great time in history for coffee lovers everywhere.

By Expert Author: Carol Stack
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

Organic Coffee: Is It Worth the Price?

Organic Coffee:A dollar spent on a 12 oz. bag of dark roasted organic coffee goes a long way towards helping coffee producing communities. It is money spent towards a generous overhead,

Organic Coffee: Is It Worth the Price?

Heaps of premiums are thrown onto environmentally sound products in the marketplace. Recycled paper is typically more expensive than standard paper. Lettuce and tomatoes made without the use of pesticides and fertilizers also enjoy above average market rates as well. Certified organic coffee has achieved a reputation for being pricey because of many reasons. For starters, it was produced without the use of environmentally harmful chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides. In turn, organic coffee has received a seal of approval for being healthier than your standard coffee.

Does organic coffee justify the higher price though? Many industry experts and coffee enthusiasts alike claim so because of the intense labor required by poorer farmers in countries like Bolivia and Ecuador in navigating coffee bean fields for collection and transport. Citing the injustices of poor pay by coffee merchants towards poor farmers (paying less than 50 cents a pound in some cases), major coffee companies have taken initiative in building supply chains linking these poor producers. These organic coffee supply chains guaranteed a fair wage for workers and reinvestment of organic coffee profit back into the community in these Third World countries.

A dollar spent on a 12 oz. bag of dark roasted organic coffee goes a long way towards helping coffee producing communities. It is money spent towards a generous overhead, which is the continuation of the supply chain that guarantees a reasonable price for production. Buying organic coffee supports the social work major companies are going to improve supply chains in these regions. Remember, farmers have to go through an extensive evaluation process in having their coffee called organic. With profit differences between standard coffee crops and organic coffee groups similar, many farmers can easily opt to stick with the former. All in all, organic coffee is worth the price for the reasons outlined above.

Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

Coffee Websites and the Importance of Expert Knowledge

Coffee Websites**The trick is to look at coffee reviews from specialists **free coffee guidance is most likely compiled by somebody who just writes and reviews the subject of coffee out of sheer interest...

Coffee Websites and the Importance of Expert Knowledge

The biggest problem with searching for coffee products today is the fact that there are so many coffee items to choose from, it is for this reason that you would do well to consult a coffee specialist or at least check out a coffee website. Whilst you are looking for gourmet coffee or an associated food and drink accessory it is essential that you utilize the huge number of reviews that are provided by many of the better coffee related websites or directories, in other words if you are hunting for an italian coffee maker or a german coffee pot , finding some first hand info from a coffee professional is bound to give you an advantage over other shoppers.

You should be particularly wary if the so called "coffee expert" gives a product guide but also has a buying button on his or her own website, for example if you should find a really hot review on latte coffee and there just happens to be a "purchasing" link then the chances are the expert who wrote the review is clearly selling coffee products and such under a pretence. The trick is to look at coffee reviews from specialists who are genuinely interested in this specialist sector of coffee.

The ideal coffee review site will contain a varying variety of reviews on subjects including how to locate the highest quality coffee for your requirements or best coffee product comparisons, furthermore if the writer has many articles more on subjects like bunn easy pure coffee pots or bunn espresso machines but does not provide the reader any clear means in which to get these food and drink products then without a doubt this free coffee guidance is most likely compiled by somebody who just writes and reviews the subject of coffee out of sheer interest.

Coffee companies often contact reliable comparison directories the minute they launch a brand new coffee product, say for a minute the product was new world coffee blend baskets, it is certainly worth the manufacturers sending out a free samples for review.

Finding info on new coffee items is fairly easy to do however the typical food and drink buyer may need some assistance, depending on the coffee merchandise you want enter these types of search phrases into the search engines but make sure you use inverted comma's, for instance "write ups on mahogony coffee tables" or "coffee sampler bag kit reviews", this will ensure you pinpoint the exact info you are looking for and also the coffee tips you are especially in need of.

Yet nother interesting point about coffee write ups is that if you find them in trade journals then most often the products will be given away for free in contests, don't forget that these type of places are given a stack of coffee focused products to check out, Even I won 12 months supply of gourmet coffee beans which I subsequently sold so that I could buy an antique coffee grinder, all because I was looking for product guides on modern coffee table plans, these product reviews are so valuable I cannot stress it enough.

About the Author/Author Bio
Free artistic coffee mugs tips by Carol Hansonly the author can be located at: www.bjcoffee.com
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

Why is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee so Expensive?

The quality of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is so fiercely regulated that the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica ,The high regard for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee among avid coffee drinkers has driven its price up to between $26 and $40 a pound...

Why is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee so Expensive?

The island of Jamaican is known for many things, sandy beaches, reggae music, Bob Marley and coffee. The high regard for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee among avid coffee drinkers has driven its price up to between $26 and $40 a pound. What is it about this particular brew that warrants such a high price tag?

True to its name, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is grown in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica, generally located between Kingston to the south and Port Maria to the north. Rising to 7,500 feet, the Blue Mountains are the highest point in the Caribbean. The area is characterized by cool, wet weather and dark, rich soil with good drainage, ideal conditions for cultivating coffee. Though coffee is not native to Jamaica, it is the chief export of the island.

The quality of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is so fiercely regulated that the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica even restricts the geographic area that can produce it to the parishes of St. Andrew, St. Thomas, Portland and St. Mary. The Board has also trademarked the distinguished name all over the world so that not just any grind can try to pass as Jamaican Blue Mountain.

Screens of various dimensions are used to sort beans by size. The theory behind the screening process is that beans from higher altitudes are larger and produce better-tasting coffee than the smaller beans from lower altitudes. The Coffee Industry Regulation Act has instated three calibers of Jamaican Blue Mountain, based on the screen, or size, of the bean.

The strict regulations of the board prohibit some beans that might be acceptable in other brews. The screening process also helps to eliminate maragogipe (elephant beans). The green, oversized beans are a mutant strain thought to have originated in Brazil, are porous and absorb the characteristics of the soil in which they grow. Opinions about their worth vary widely among experts, but they are considered unfit for Jamaican Blue Mountain.

Specifications for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee are very rigid. At least 96 percent of the beans must be of a uniform screen and a consistent, bluish-green color. A maximum two percent of beans may deviate slightly from this standard, but black or sour beans and any kind of foreign matter are unacceptable and do not fall under the two-percent rule.

The geographical area that grows Jamaican Blue Mountain beans is relatively small and can only produce so much coffee. The limited quantity, the matchless quality resulting from painstaking cultivation, the alluring aroma and the renowned name of Jamaican Blue Mountain have undoubtedly contributed to its reputation as one of the most sought-after coffees in the world. As long as hard-core coffee drinkers continue to demand it, it will also be one of the most expensive.

About the Author/Author Bio
Cory Willins is regular author for The Coffee Site, where you can find information on gourmet types of coffee, one cup coffee makers and more.
By Expert Author: Cory Willins
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

The Coffee Bean

The Coffee Bean* Colombian * Colombian Milds * Costa Rican Tarrazu* Guatemala Huehuetenango* Ethiopian Harrar * Ethiopian Yirgacheffe* Hawaiian Kona* Jamaican Blue Mountain* Java...

The Coffee Bean

Coffee is a beverage, served hot or with ice, with or without cream and sugar, prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. These seeds are almost always called the coffee bean. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in adults today.

The coffee bean, itself, contains chemicals which are mind-altering (in a way some find pleasing) to humans as a coincidental result of their defense mechanism; those chemicals are toxic in large doses, or even in their normal amount when consumed by many creatures which may otherwise have threatened the coffee beans in the wild.

A coffee bean from two different places usually have distinctive characteristics such as flavor (flavor criteria includes terms such as "citrus-like" or "earthy"), caffeine content, body or mouthfeel, and acidity. These are dependent on the local environment where the coffee plants are grown, their method of process, and the genetic subspecies or varietal.

Some well-known arabica coffee beans include:

* Colombian -
Coffee was first introduced to the country of Colombia in the early 1800's. Today Maragogype, Caturra, Typica and Bourbon cultivars are grown. When Colombian coffee is freshly roasted it has a bright acidity, is heavy in body and is intensely aromatic. Colombia produces about 12% of the coffee in the world, second only to Brazil.

* Colombian Milds -
Includes coffees from Colombia, Kenya, and Tanzania, all of which are washed arabicas.

* Costa Rican Tarrazu -
from the Tarrazu Valley in the highlands outside of San Jos?(c), archetypal estate coffee is La Minita.

* Guatemala Huehuetenango -
Grown at over 5000 feet in the northern region, one of the most remote growing regions in Guatemala

* Ethiopian Harrar -
rom the region of Harar, Ethiopia

* Ethiopian Yirgacheffe -
from the area of the town of Yirga Cheffe in the Sidamo (now Oromia) region of Ethiopia

* Hawaiian Kona -
grown on the slopes of Hualalai in the Kona District on the Big Island of Hawaii.

* Jamaican Blue Mountain -
From the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica. Due to its popularity, it fetches a high price in the market.

* Java -
from the island of Java, in Indonesia. This coffee was once so widely traded that "java" became a slang term for coffee... and more.

Some coffee bean varieties are so well-known and so in-demand that they are far more expensive than others. Jamaican Blue Mountain and Hawaiian Kona coffees are perhaps the most prominent examples. Often these coffee beans are blended with other, less expensive coffee beans and the suffix "blend" added to the labelling, such as "Blue Mountain blend" or "Kona blend" even though they only contain a small amount of the coffee bean mentioned.

One unusual and very expensive variety of robusta is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak and the Philippine Kape Alamid. The coffee bean is collected from the droppings of the Common Palm Civet, whose digestive processes give it a distinctive flavor.

About the Author/Author Bio
This article is Copyright (c) 2006, Heather Colman. Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as no changes are made, and this entire resource box is included. Find more coffee bean resources at ebookpalace.com
By Expert Author: Heather Colman
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/

Coffee Pods - For The Lazy Coffee Drinker

A Coffee Pod is a machine which is used for brewing coffee instantly at any time we wish., people who love to drink coffee as they can now make their own coffee pod at home very easily...

Coffee Pods - For The Lazy Coffee Drinker

A Coffee Pod is a machine which is used for brewing coffee instantly at any time we wish. There seems to be many companies who are manufacturing bunch of coffee pods which are now available in the supermarkets. A few manufacturers of coffee pods are Black and Decker, Melitta, Phillips, Senseo, Folgers and many more. All these machines seem to come in different sizes. These machines also have the tendency to drip after making each cup of coffee. Very soon these coffee pod manufacturing companies are thinking of bringing newer and better tasting coffee pods into the markets.

Anyone can make his own coffee pod at home very easily

Some don't like their regular pod coffee maker and other don't have their own coffee pod machine. Here is a very good solution for all those people who love to drink coffee as they can now make their own coffee pod at home very easily. Anyone can make this coffee pod with his regular kitchen appliances. So here are the few things they will need to make their own coffee pod at home, they are stainless steel measuring scoop, jar, filter, etc. Now here is a brief process of preparing coffee pod at home.

Firstly what one will need is that a stainless steel measuring scoop which should fit into the pod holder of the coffee maker. Next he has to look for jar which must fit nicely inside the measuring scoop. Then he has to find for a coffee filter that can serve 5 cups of coffee. Now the jar should be set into the scoop of the pod holder. The coffee pod will be better if everything fits well. Now he has to take the coffee filter and has to shape the filter evenly over the end of the jar. The filter paper should be placed at the center of the jar. Next he has to invert the jar and has to place it in the measuring scoop. Now he has to remove the jar and leave the cup-shaped filter in the measuring cup.

Now he just has to add 2 teaspoons of ground coffee to the paper cup filter. The typical coffee makers use scoops which can hold about 7 Gms of coffee. Next shake the cup slightly in order to spread the ground coffee evenly across the bottom of the filter inside the jar. In this way the ground coffee can be completely covered. Finally the expected coffee pod is ready. One thing must be remembered that before each brewing cycle the pod holder should be cleaned in order to make sure that nothing is blocking the holes of the pod.

About the Author/Author Bio
Christopher H. Waters writes on several topics. Visit coffee pod makers and bargain coffee pods. And check out Content Writers for other articles.
By Expert Author: Christopher H. Waters
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Coffee Beans Are Actually The Seed Of The Coffee Bush

Coffee Beans,The Seed Of The Coffee Bush, type of coffee bush, to varying grades. Once the desired flavor and strength are achieved***Coffee beans are often sold in prepackaged bags roasted for ultimate flavor...

Coffee Beans Are Actually The Seed Of The Coffee Bush

When you consider coffee beans, do you first think about a prepackaged bag filled with ready to grind beans? In fact, the majority of people don't have any idea about what procedure moves those bags of beans into their homes. In general, the population is totally uninformed about how America's preferred beverage arrives in town. This article may assist your understanding what happens as a bag of those superbly rich beans travel to your home.

Types There are basically four different categories of coffee beans. Coffee Arabica is undoubtedly the best liked. Those beans account for approximately three quarters of the product sold in North America. Coffee Robusta is an additional accepted kind of bean, while Coffee Liberica and Coffee Excelsa are cultivated in regions where Coffee Arabica can't be grown.

Where Do They Come From? Coffee beans are actually the seed of the fruit produced by the Coffee bush. They are not actually beans. The coffee plant is shrub like, small and evergreen, and produces small fruit known as a cherry or berry.

The fruit itself cannot be eaten, and is frequently used as compost in the growing of new Coffee bushes. However, there are two seeds inside which are what we refer to as coffee beans. The seeds are green when in their raw form. They stay that way until they are processed or roasted, producing the flavor that we correlate with coffee.

After the seeds are dried, they are processed and roasted depending upon the type of coffee bush, to varying grades. Once the desired flavor and strength are achieved, they are ready for bagging or further processing while some are diverted to a decaffeination procedure and others for flavoring. We will not deal with those sometimes toxic procedures at this point.

Coffee beans are often sold in prepackaged bags roasted for ultimate flavor but customers can buy raw coffee beans, take them away, and roast them elsewhere. The roasting of the beans depends upon the kind of drink you might prefer.

A short roast makes a very light coffee "flavor" and in fact, permits the essence of the coffee beans to travel through; whereas roasting for lengthier periods yields a richer robust flavor with bitter tones and the beans tend to lose their unique essence. The roasted beans are packaged in airtight sacs and containers, and then transported to stores around the globe.

As you have just read, before reaching your coffee maker, the coffee you really adore must follow several stages of a lengthy process. If you are among the millions who adore this remarkably deep and vibrant drink, by now you have a completely fresh understanding of how your favorite bean arrives in your cupboard becoming your favorite beverage.

By: Jack Blacksmith..
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Coffee And Volcanoes

The Volcan Irazu is behaving itself,The average temperature is only 7.3 c or 45 F, **there is a snack wagon near the entrance that provides hot coffee and chocolate as well as food.

Coffee And Volcanoes

The park that includes this volcano covers 2309 hectares, its highest point being 3432 meters (approxim. 10,300 feet) above sea level. There are two theories for the name “Irazu”, one being that it’s a combination of “ara” (point) and “tzu” (thunder), and the other being that it’s named after “Istaru”, a 16th century Indian palisade built in the nearby town of Cot. The park is remarkable because of its surreal lunar landscape. There are two main craters, one is called the “Diego de la Haya” crater that contains a strangely colored lake (some days it’s light green and others it’s red) and the other is 300 meters (900 feet) deep. Even the scarce and austere vegetation contributes to the other-worldly feeling of the place. Nevertheless, there are some species of animals that manage to live in this severe and rugged area - coyotes, tiger cats, long-tailed weasels and some species of birds like the clay-colored robins.

Another factor that contributes to the uniqueness and bizarre quality of the place, is the temperature. The average temperature is only 7.3 c or 45 F, but frosts aren’t uncommon, especially at night. It’s more pleasant to visit the park during the driest months of March or April, since the cold weather is enough to deal with. Luckily, there is a snack wagon near the entrance that provides hot coffee and chocolate as well as food. There are also bathroom facilities and picnic tables near the parking lot.

This national park fits into a half a day or a one-day itinerary, since long walks or other activities aren’t possible. There are many tour agencies that offer trips to the volcano that include lunch at nearby restaurants. Two of these agencies are: Magic Trails (tel.253-81-46) or Universal Tropical Nature Tours (tel.257-01-81). There are also very quaint accommodations at local hotels, like Hacienda Retes (tel.253-81-46/ fax 253-99-37) or Hacienda San Miguel (tel.229-50-58/ fax 229-10-94). Hacienda Retes is a 150 year-old farmhouse that faces the volcano, thus offering spectacular views. The rustic accommodations offer rooms with bunk beds for six to twelve people; activities include horseback riding tours to the volcano (3 hours approx.) or simply enjoying the oak forest that surrounds the hacienda. Hacienda San Miguel is located in Rancho Redondo, and it consists in cozy but modern rooms; the hacienda offers a jacuzzi, a fireplace and horseback rides to the volcano.

Even if you don’t plan to stay near the volcano, you can enjoy the delicious food at Bar Restaurant Linda Vista. As its name suggests, one can observe a breathtaking view from this restaurant, which is located at 2693 meters (8,000 feet); the owners boast about their restaurant being the highest one in all of Latin America! The quaint decoration includes an interesting collection of hundreds of business cards that are pinned to the walls. Several tour companies stop at this restaurant, but there’s always space for lonely travellers.

The Volcan Irazu is behaving itself, but it occasionally emits clouds of hydrogen and carbon dioxide gas at temperatures lower than 100 c. Visitors to the National Park are safe, since volcanic or seismic activity is monitored by national and foreign institutions. Apart from being safe, this park offers a unique and unusual panorama that is every want-to-be-an-astronaut’s dream. Its 400 hectares of volcanic ash and scoria, as well as its strangely tinted lake have a strange beauty to them that you won’t want to miss.

By: Coffee123
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

The Church Coffee Shop

Churhces is setting up their coffee shops have wanted them to become gathering places for their member to share - places to build fellowship.

The Church Coffee Shop

Many churches are installing new church coffee shops and upgrading their exisiing coffee shops. And they are also focusing on serving good coffee or a better coffee than the run of the mill second hand office coffee so many churches have served for years. And the good news is most of them have improved the coffee they are serving.

Churhces is setting up their coffee shops have wanted them to become gathering places for their member to share - places to build fellowship. Since it usually takes 30 minutes to sip down a great cup of coffee its a great place to share. And since you are sitting in God's house its a natural place to build fellowship to honor God. As you sip the coffee remember this: " Deut 6:5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Build your fellowship on this premise.

Unfortunatley many of the coffee shops have upgraded their coffee by serving Starbucks Coffee, a decent coffee but a coffee that in no way honors God. Here is a quote from the cups they hand customers - "Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure." So for the last few months Starbucks has stood behind their coffee cup saying - endorsed it fully.

People have the right to say what they want. Starbucks is free to say what they want. Even if is does not honor God. Churches are different. They should honor God in all they do. Serving Starbucks coffee is an endoresement of Starbucks and their cup sayings. How does it honor God. If you as a church say I am stretching the mlimits - then serve your coffee in the Starbucks cups. See how much fellowship is build as your congregation rallies against you.

So churches - I ask you to take the Starbuck challenge. If you are going to honor Starbucks by serving their coffee - serve it in these cups:

Heaven is totally overrated. It seems boring. Clouds, listening to people play the harp. It should be somewhere you can’t wait to go, like a luxury hotel. Maybe blue skies and soft music were enough to keep people in line in the 17th century, but Heaven has to step it up a bit. They’re basically getting by because they only have to be better than Hell.

Or use this Starbucks cup:

Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure.

So you can serve Starbucks coffee in your church or you can honor God. The choice is simple and undeniable.

By: Coffee123
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

How To Get Real Starbucks Coupons

How To Get Real Starbucks Coupons

Starbucks coupons are very popular and there have been some fake coupons circulating the internet. In order to tell if your coupon is fake you can look for a few things:

There should only be one Starbucks logo.

The counterfeit coupons say redeemable at participating locations and the word participating is misspelled.

The real Starbucks coupons say "not valid if reproduced".

To get free Starbucks coupons, you can register at their official website and give them your email and real address. You will receive coupons in the mail!

Another way to get Starbucks coupons is to buy a Starbucks Gift Card with any amount of money on it. $5.00 or $200.00 and then go to the Starbucks website and register your gift card by entering the number on the card and you will receive a coupon for a free drink. You will also receive other perks like free vanilla added to your drink, etc.

Starbucks "buy certain number of drinks get one drink free" is in the works thanks to suggestions by customers.

If you need coupons for drinks sold in grocery stores or coffee beans, just look for the coupon machines next to the products. You can also check newspapers, and product packages for coupons.

Discount Starbucks gift cards are available under face value or you can trade your unwanted gift card for a Starbucks gift card.

Coupons are also available for sale at a discount and the savings are pretty significant this way.

Enjoy your Starbucks and good luck finding coupons!

I am a stay at home mom of three children and I am always looking for ways to save money.

By: Brandi Yates
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Dont Have Time To Wait One Cup Coffee Makers Are Great

One cup coffee makers are the perfect way to receive a hot cup of delicious coffee any time of the day...Having a fresh cup of hot coffee, take a whole pot of coffee to get started but for others, it may only take a single cup...

Dont Have Time To Wait One Cup Coffee Makers Are Great

One cup coffee makers are the perfect way to receive a hot cup of delicious coffee any time of the day. There are millions of people around the world that enjoy a fresh cup of hot coffee. The only problem with this is that with regular size coffee makers it can take some time to brew a pot of coffee.

Other problems are that if you only want one or two cups of coffee, you need a large space to place the coffee maker. Now, with the use of these one cup coffee makers, these problems just seem to disappear.

Having a fresh cup of hot coffee is how many people start off their day. For some people it may take a whole pot of coffee to get started but for others, it may only take a single cup. So this presents a small problem for the single cup users. The time that it takes to brew coffee in a normal size coffee maker can be lengthy. However, the time that it takes to brew coffee in the one cup coffee maker is very short and will offer you a hot cup every time.

These are perfect to use for that initial cup of coffee to get your day going. By using these types of coffee makers, you can be rid of stale or burnt coffee. There are many advantages to having one of these coffee makers. For example, you can find in the grocery store, filters that have enough coffee stored in them to provide you with one cup of coffee.

These were designed to be used with these types of coffee makers. They are small and lightweight so that they will be easier to handle and will be easy to store and find a place to use them.

So for the best product for your money, these one cup coffee makers are the best idea for you. With the size and weight, you can have a delicious eye opening cup of coffee just about anywhere you like any time of day and it will be available in just minutes. Our space is very important and we never seem to have enough of it to enjoy the things that we love in life.

Time is a precious commodity that no one has enough of. With the use of these space-saving devices, we can now brew a cup of coffee and still have the time needed to get on with the rest of our day. Thanks to modern technology we can enjoy sipping on one our favorite drinks without taking up a lot of space and with no hassle at all.

By: faststride
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Flavia Coffee

The Flavia range of drinks machines work,It is also best used in a low volume office type locations where drink choice and quality **Hot water is then forced to the foil pack to release the comprehensive flavour of the drink ....

Flavia Coffee

OLAH!! Flavia Coffee
In this present forecast of our 'Coffee in the Office' string we take a appear at the Flavia filter-pack drinks machine.

The Flavia range of drinks machines work in an unusual and ingenious manner to stand for a wide variety of top superior delicious drinks to the end user. After the drink option has been made the appropriate drink foil pack is inserted to the machine, a cup is placed underneath and a button is pressed. Hot water is then forced to the foil pack to release the comprehensive flavour of the drink as it is dispensed into the cup.

Each drink is individually made and there is no cross contamination of flavours between different drink types. The machine has very low maintenance and can be plumbed in or just topped up through newly constructed water as required. Since no cup is dispensed the user has the choice to use their own cup or use branded Flavia waxed paper cups that can be with by your supplier up with sugar sticks, stirrers, cup holders etc if required.

The Flavia machine is top used in a struggle environment as the components are selected from a score case and there is no security. It is also best used in a low volume office type locations where drink choice and quality is paramount rather as opposed to serving a large number of people.

The main advantage of this type of machine is the sheer quality of the drinks produced and the incredible opportunity of drinks available. A huge number of fresh ground coffees are offered of many types of coffee beans and roasts, fresh leaf teas, specialty drinks, specialty teas, chocolates and even fruit infusions and green teas. Note however that the drinks are usually purchased from the supplier in tendencies of 80 so in truth most offices will desire to limit the range of drinks offered although they can of course order different offerings each time properties order.

Although the cost of the machine is fairly low when put against to other types of drinks dispensing machine (allowing the probability of multiple machine sites) the particular drink prices is quite high and can prove prohibitive.

The Flavia option is not the solution for astronomical volume sites, sites requiring security of ingredients nor for those requiring a coin controlled system.

However in the right environment the Flavia drinks system can be the perfect high superiority secret for satisfying discerning drinkers at all times of the day.

By: blessed person
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

How To Select An Automatic Espresso Machine

Automatic Espresso Machine**Tips When Buying an Automatic Espresso Machine, Having your own automatic espresso machine will be definitely good financially...

How To Select An Automatic Espresso Machine

Millions of people all over the world begin their days with a sip of hot coffee. The ritual of preparing this coffee is something special that stimulates all the senses. In order to make a cup of coffee that is just as good, or even better than the ones at your local coffee shop, you need to have your own espresso machine. A growing number of coffee enthusiasts are actually making this investment so they can enjoy a fresh brew anytime they get a craving for it.

Tips When Buying an Automatic Espresso Machine

If you are thinking of buying your own automatic espresso machine, good for you! However, there are several elements you need to look into before making your purchase. First of all, performance is of the essence. You don’t want to invest in an automatic machine that will give you something that tastes just like instant coffee.

Consistency is another factor to consider. The higher the consistency rating, the better the espresso. Some people like to drink coffee not just for the taste or the aroma, but for the ambiance as well. When you take a sip of the best espresso ever, it will make you feel like you were in a real coffee shop in Venice. In order to maximize this kind of coffee experience, you will have to go out and head to the coffee shop around the block, unless you are willing to remodel your patio to make it into your own personal espresso haven.

One more important element to consider when choosing an automatic espresso machine is the ease of using and cleaning it. While you are relishing every sip of your espresso, you will be able to relax in a brief respite from the busy world that we all live in. But then, reality will come crashing back down when you see that you have to spend a long time cleaning up the automatic espresso machine that you ironically bought to give yourself a little time to relax. There are two things you can do about this. Either you buy an automatic espresso machine that is very low maintenance, or again, just go down the block and get your espresso fix from the bartender in your favorite coffee shop in town.

Espresso Is Espresso, No Matter Where You Get It

It can be hard to decide whether to buy your own automatic espresso machine or not. Having your own automatic espresso machine will be definitely good financially because you will be saving a lot over the months. You can also have a cup whenever you like. But when you go to a coffee shop, the ambiance is perfect and there's no cleaning up to worry about. It's hard to decide, but it's a decision you need to make on your own.

By: Elizabeth T James
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Caribou Coffee Is Top Rated For Taste

Caribou Coffee Is Top Rated For Taste

Mention gourmet coffee companies and the first company you're likely to think of is Star-something or other. But another company is beating Starbucks in national taste tests.
Caribou Coffee has been ranked first in national taste tests and is the second largest coffee-house company in the world. Those taste tests compared Caribou's coffee favorable to over 40 other brands. Caribou's product must be pretty tasty to rate that highly.

The company was started in Edina, MN, by John and Kim Puckett. The Pucketts then sold the venture to Crescent Capital, an Atlanta, GA, investment firm. From a single store, Caribou has grown to 450 coffee houses nationwide.

Coffee beans and ready-made coffee, both hot and cold, are available at those stores, along with gourmet products like lattes, smoothies, loose-leaf tea and blended drinks. The friendly Caribou staff is happy to make your brew your way. Show your java preference by picking up Caribou Coffee clothing and accessories, such as tote bags and key rings. Of course, the coffee houses also have tasty treats to go with your java. It's a great place to stop for your morning "starter fluid" or a mid-day pick-me-up. Bring your friends to a great place to socialize.

If you have a loved one who's a coffee addict, show your style by giving a gift of Caribou Coffee. They'll admire your good taste and enjoy your gift. With luck, they'll share it with you. Buy your own too, so you have it on hand when you can't get to the coffee house itself. It's also nice to have a supply on hand for your own coffee makers when you have surprise guests over.
Going green is big business these days and Caribou has been doing its share to protect the environment. Caribou is working the Rainforest Alliance to produce an environment-friendly coffee. That effort has not always gotten the most favorable press but the company is determined to be environmentally aware in its business dealings. The company was also the first volunteer sponsor of the Specialty Coffee Association of America's Producer Support Fund to help other members who cannot afford to take part in association activities.

All this success has not come without controversy. In the days immediately after September 11, 2001, some people protested against the company because one of its largest stockholders was the First Islamic Investment Bank of Bahrain, whose chairman was Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Later in the year, al-Qaradawi stepped down from the post.

Now that the controversy has died down, the company can concentrate what it does best - making great coffee. There's a reason that Starbucks is rated second to Caribou. Why not stop in and find out what that reason is? Look in your phone book or online to find the nearest Caribou Coffee outlet and grab a cuppa today.

By: Ken Morris..
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Next To H20, Coffee And Tea Are The Most Well Liked Refreshments

Next to water, coffee and tea are the most well liked refreshments on the planet. Come to think about it both coffee & teas are made up of mainly water.

Next To H20, Coffee And Tea Are The Most Well Liked Refreshments

Go ahead, start a globe of the world spinning, then toss a arrow at it. Where the arrow hits, you can bet that when you started a"Coffee & Tea," store your very first customer would order a cup of one or the other.

Next to water, coffee and tea are the most well liked refreshments on the planet. Come to think about it both coffee & teas are made up of mainly water. However, why would anybody wish to swallow coffee or tea in place of just water?

A number of people maintain they imbibe for the reason they like the popular drink. The reality is people all over the universe drink coffee and tea for the reason that it helps them feel fine, provides them vigor, and helps them go to the washroom.

History of the Two Drinks Tea was discovered more than 5,000 years ago in China. Its fame rapidly spread to Japan and on into Buddhism after the monks discovered that tea assisted them to focus during religious ceremonies.

Coffee was accepted by the Muslims in the early 1500s. They consumed coffee in place of wine. In the early 1600s, Pope Clement approved of coffee over opposition from a number of those who thought the Muslim drink was immoral. Once more, the church permitted it; then all Catholics drank it.

The caffeine in coffee & tea energizes staff far and wide. It's a safe bet that if you removed the coffee & tea from the world, little work would ever get done.

Positive Medical Effects Drink two or three cups of coffee or tea a day, and it has been recounted that you will really decrease your odds of prostate cancer, and that green tea would decrease your odds of developing cancers.
Unexpectedly, coffee & tea became known as every day medicine or even a vitamin. The sharpening effect it appeared to have on the mind told researchers that coffee and tea were like a health food.

Negative Effects Both coffee & tea can discolor and make your teeth dark. If you sip either in excess, it might have a off-putting effect.
In the slightest, coffee & tea do not have corn syrup in them. Running a near second to coffee and tea as the world's most accepted beverage is soda pop. The top reason that Americans contract the fastest growing rate of diabetes on earth is because they are consuming the most number of soft drinks on earth.

Milk A lot of people around the globe use milk in their coffee or their tea. Yet this tradition is shifting, with the Vegans who do not use dairy products taking over the world. We could see the use of soy milk, rice milk, and other dairy replacement showing up soon in coffee & tea.

By: Guy Morris..
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

How To Make Unusual Coffee Drinks

How To Make Unusual Coffee Drinks

Coffee is great and is enjoyed the world over. Just for a change however why not experience it in an unusual and exciting way?

In order to make your own unusual speciality coffee drinks or to produce them in your catering establishment you will need a few extra ingredients.

In addition to your espresso beans, sugars, milk and chocolate dustings that are used to make most standard coffee drinks you will need to purchase a supply of cherries, almonds, hazelnuts, whipped cream and ground cinnamon. These will probably suffice for most recipes and of course not all are required for every recipe.

The main ingredients that you will need however are flavoured syrups. These special syrup flavourings are available from good coffee retailers or can be ordered over the internet easily enough. If you run your own establishment then your usual coffee supplier will probably stock these items and can deliver them with your usual coffee order.

There are several makes of flavoured syrups available depending on which country you are from, but my particular favourite are the 1883 de Philibert Routin brand from France. The most common flavoured syrups are vanilla, chocolate, amaretto, cinnamon, caramel, Irish Cream and hazelnut, but more exotic and unusual flavours are available for more elaborate recipes.

Why not start with a couple of flavours and build up a collection as you get to know and experience various recipes.

There are many recipes freely available on the internet which you can try out as well as experimenting and perhaps designing your very own!

To get you started here's a couple you may want to try out.

We assume you have you own espresso machine with steam wand and are familiar with steaming and foaming milk.


16 ml chocolate syrup
16 ml vanilla syrup
1 shot of espresso
6 oz (180 ml) cold milk
Whipped cream
Cocoa powder


Mix together the two syrups and the milk in a jug. Steam foam the mixture. Pour the espresso into a 12 oz (250 ml) glass, and add the steamed milk mixture. Add whipped cream to the top and garnish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder.

Bistro de Paris

8 ml hazelnut syrup
Double shot of espresso coffee
Whipped cream
Shaved hazelnut


Pour the hazelnut syrup into a 6 oz (180 ml) cup. Add a double shot of espresso and stir. Top with whipped cream and garnish with shaved hazelnut.

Try making these at home for a delicious change or offering them at your own catering establishment as an alternative - you may be surprised at how popular they will become.

By: Fenton Wayne
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Nespresso - The Coolest Coffee In The World

The Nespresso machines come with a wide range of functionality from the simplest basic espresso maker to a full featured machine,The cost of the coffee –coffee bar....

Nespresso - The Coolest Coffee In The World

It must be a pretty smart coffee if someone so irritatingly handsome and wealthy as George Clooney is prepared to endorse it. And yet Nespresso, the self-styled premium brand from the Nestle stable, has been using Clooney as the face of Nestle to the world since 2007. If the big guy goes for it, then it must be surely worth a look just to see what all the fuss is about.

The Nespresso machines come with a wide range of functionality from the simplest basic espresso maker to a full featured machine that assembles the most amazing cappuccinos without any human intervention whatsoever. Literally, it’s like having your own coffee bar at the press of a single button, without all the irritation of having to wait for it to be made and the shame of ordering a dangerously fattening chocolate muffin that lies in wait at the local coffee shop. And there is no noisy bean grinding, spilt coffee grounds and the like to mess up the surrounding area either. At the press of just the one button it all just happens by itself.

And the coffee? Well, it really is to die for!

Absolutely amazing quality, smoothness and consistency when compared to the traditional handmade espresso machines. A real mark of a great espresso is the thickness and quality of the crema, the golden foamy top which should float on any well made cup. With Nespresso it just appears every time with every cup – the perfect consistent crema.

There are a wide range of different blends of coffee including de-caffeinated and those specially formulated for those who like their coffee long.

So, what’s not to like?

The coffee itself has to be purchased from Nespresso and they are the only suppliers of the little capsules which contain the precious vacuum packed coffee. The cost of the coffee –it is not cheap when compared to a teaspoon of instant coffee and more expensive than grinding your own coffee and using a traditional espresso machine. But to my mind the quality of the coffee combined with the convenience of the pods make the difference well worth paying. Another bonus with the capsules is that they are air tight, so the coffee keeps fresh for up to a year.

Another feature which concerns some customers is the environmental impact of all those little pods. It is true that in Switzerland there is a recycling scheme where the capsules are collected in particular locations and then melted down so that the plastic and aluminum can be reused and the grounds turned into fertilizer. In most countries however, these pods are just dumped into bins for disposal in dumps and landfill. Competitors to Nespresso offer much more environmentally friendly recyclable capsules and it is likely that consumer pressures may force Nespresso one day to review its manufacturing methods.

Finally, a complaint of a number of Nespresso users is that there is nowhere on the machines that really warms the cup into which the coffee is poured. Some of the more sophisticated machines have a warming plate but it does little other than take the chill off the cups. It is of course a problem shared with many espresso machines but it seems a shame that this feature has not been fully considered.

Overall however, for the coffee fan there is much to recommend these machines and a tasting at a store near you is strongly recommended.

By: Arthor Pens
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com